Microwave CW USB Power Sensor MA24330A
The MA24330A power sensor is designed to provide fast, accurate average power measurements from 10 MHz to 33 GHz over 90 dB of dynamic range. The sensor employs high-performance digital processing that enables measurements speeds of >2,100 continuous power readings/s and >5,600 buffered readings/s.
A unique, low noise design eliminates the need to zero the sensor before taking measurements for most applications.
The sensors have internal and external triggering capability that facilitates time-based measurements and the use of list mode to speed up automated processes.
The sensor can be controlled with a PC via remote programming commands or with PowerXpert™, a free of charge software application. These sensors are also compatible with most Anritsu RF and microwave handheld instruments. The high accuracy power meter software option (e.g., Option 19) may be required.
The excellent damage protection combined with the silicone protective covering give the sensor increased ruggedness and enable users to protect their investment.

Microwave CW USB Power Sensor MA24330A
- Frequency range: 10 MHz — 33 GHz
- Power measurement range: +20 dBm — -70 dBm
- CW average power measurements
- Fast measurement speed: >2,1001 readings/s continuous, >5,600 readings/s buffered1
- Able to accept high power levels before being damaged: +26 dBm CW, +32 dBm 10 µs
- No zero required*
- NIST traceable calibrations
- Compatible with Anritsu handheld instruments
- Silicone protective covering for additional field durability
- Worldwide calibration and service centers
* for signals > -45 dBm
¹ Speed may vary depending on the speed of the CPU controlling the sensor
To utilize the powerful capabilities of Power Master, there several features to PowerXpert.
Support for Power Master general settings:
- Measurement mode
- Center frequency
- Span
- Resolution
Power Hunter mode: user defines a frequency range within which Power Master will identify the six highest CW amplitudes and their corresponding frequency
Channel Monitor mode: allows users to select up to six frequency channels (up to 20 MHz wide) and monitor their CW amplitude or channel power simultaneously
To download PowerXpert, visit the Downloads button on this page.